
5 tips to make even the smallest space seem bigger


5 tips to make even the smallest space seem bigger

Your good friend DCTUK is on hand to provide you with some expert interior design intel that will help you maximise the space you've got and make even the pokiest of places seem leg-stratchingly roomy.

(No cats harmed (or swung) during the making of this blog post)

Open plan layouts are your BFF

When it comes to modest sized living or work spaces, open plan layouts are the number one, the numero uno, the must-do method to trick the eye into seeing more space than there really is.

Doing away with partition walls, unnecessary doors and anything which cuts the area more times than a supersize pizza on a Saturday night is the perfect way to open out and widen the space to create a more breathable interior.

Open plan is all the range too, don't you know, so don't be afraid to merge to your dining area with your living room, or your office breakout area with the shared kitchen.

Clear the clutter and get creative with your storage

Okay so we're all guilty of a little hoarding here and there. Me included. Me more than others actually. (I've still got my locker key from my first year at high school tucked away because you know, just in case). If you want to turn your teeny tiny interior into a treasure trove of space however, you're going to have to kiss goodbye to the clutter.

The first port of call is a trip to the local tip to get rid of anything that is unnecessarily collecting dust but if you really can't bear to part with your paraphernalia, it's time to get creative with your storage.

Shelves, bookshelves, boxes, coving and mounted storage spaces are a great way to keep stuff from getting under your feet and making the place seem smaller. Think beds with storage space, desks with drawers, stylish shelves and footstools that double up as storage.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

Mirrors are a tried and tested technique for making a space seem seem bigger than it is. Large mirrors trick the eye into thinking the room goes on for miles and miles, even when you're dealing with the same square meterage as a Polly Pocket pony stable.

Simple, angular mirrors mounted on walls are the best way to master this illusion, as opposed to lots of little stand alone mirrors in the shape of a cactus or heaven knows what else. Think vast but minimal.

Go big. Yes, really.

You might think I'm mad for suggesting you go for big bulky furniture but this really does work, I promise.

Opting for sizeable seating, tables and lamps means you will need less of them in the long run. This handy tip will help you reduce the dreaded mess effect and keep everything looking fresh, smart and spacious.

Keep bold patterns and vivid colours at bay

I love a big, elaborate print as much as the next guy but when it comes to small spaces, block colours and a pure palette are the way forward. Light, neutral colours are your best option because dark shades will shrink the area and rob you of those all important centimetres.

Busy patterns and in-your-face decor will create a hectic ambience that automatically makes the space feel more claustrophobic than it need be. Get your creative fix with more subtle statement pieces like mix and match cushions, a feature rug or some decorative frames pinned up on the wall.


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