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Bold, daring and traditional - all rolled into one. This is Artistic Liberties by Milliken.

Jon Techilovsky

Bold, daring and traditional - all rolled into one. This is Artistic Liberties by Milliken.

The inside-house design team over at Milliken have designed a 5 range collection that combines street art influences with classical references, resulting in a clash of colours and design styles. If you’re ready to leave the safety net of monochrome and jump into the world of colour, why not dive straight into the deep end and give Artistic Liberties a whirl?

This collection is a little like Marmite, you’ll either love it or hate it. Here at DCTUK we absolutely love it, because have you ever seen carpet tiles like this? Probably not. The chaotic clash of colours and styles all tie in beautifully together to produce a unique, harmonising collection.

Outspoken Tradition and Historic Clashes are the bold, daring designs in the collection. Historic Clashes is a beautifully distressed and vintage looking carpet tile that will definitely capture the attention of guests and visitors. The seamless pattern and muted colour pallet is perfect for hotel rooms and can tie any room together. And boy oh boy does Outspoken Tradition live up to its name. Think bright, bold, daring. It’s adventurous but it somehow has a homely, nostalgic feeling about it.

Historic Clashes
Outspoken Tradition

Are they too crazy and out of your comfort zone? Take a look at Outspoken Tradition Inset, Historic Clashes Inset and Without Reserve, they’re much more subtle.

The Artistic Liberties collection are produced using high-performance ECONYL yarn with 100% regenerated nylon. This basically means the material used to make these carpet tiles has been fished from the ocean and turned into yarn, how cool is that?!

We have the full collection of Artistic Liberties as well as other fantastic ranges like Crafted Series, Consequence 2.0, Colour Compositions, Comfortable Concrete 2.0 and more, just head over to the Milliken page and have a browse!


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