Buyers Guides

Why is Polyflor Camaro so popular?

Jon Techilovsky

Why is Polyflor Camaro so popular?

I am here to open your eyes to this fabulous product also known as Polyflor Camaro. Whether it's for your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen or hallway, it is the perfect flooring for you.

Camaro LOC is Polyflor’s collection of interlocking vinyl tiles that mirror the natural beauty of wood and stone. It allows you to achieve all the aesthetic attributes of a natural hard floor made from raw materials, without having to worry about its lifespan.

It comes in 15 colourways all mimicking a natural wood, stone or concrete effect in their own unique way. It is available in 3 different sizes to pick from - 145.6mm x 907.6mm, 177.4mm x 1212.4mm and 298mm x 602.8mm which all come in a 4mm thickness.

To get your hands on these tiles you simply need to measure the square meterage of your room and pop it into the calculator which will tell you how many packs you need. Easy enough? Each pack covers approximately 1.98 m² and we do also suggest you add 10% on your m2 for wastage purposes. It's better to be safe than sorry!

These tiles are super easy to install. Using their simple interlocking installation, you just simply click them into place and just like magic there you have it, a whole new floor without barely lifting a finger! Its interlocking installation allows for a mess free installation avoiding any means of sticky glue. Now, I can tell you’re starting to be tempted. These tiles can be sat outside your door waiting for you in just 3-4 working days!

These tiles have many unique properties to them. Firstly, they are treated with a polyurethane coating, keeping the maintenance costs to a minimum, allowing for easy clean and minimal damage. Another sneaky bonus of these tiles is that they are made from 40% recycled content, pretty cool ey? As with all Polyflor products, this one is covered by a 10 year guarantee.

How about this, why don’t you order a sample or four from us for free of our website then you can see what the fuss really is about?


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