
Q&A With Simon - The Commercial Sales Executive

Eve Tasker

When did you Join DCTUK and what's your role?

I joined DCTUK 4 months ago now and I'm really enjoying it, my job role is the Commercial Sales Executive so I deal with residential as well as mostly commercial, so customers ring me up or email me and I deal with all of our customer's enquiries!  

What does your typical Sunday look like?

Well, I've got two lads, one eight year old and a one year old so my life is quite chaotic right now, so I don't get chance to do much but in my spare time, I do like gaming and playing Call of Duty, as well as doing scuba diving and martial arts!

What's your favourite day of the week?

My favourite day of the week would have to be Friday!

as we get lunch paid for and there are no limits to what we can order...

Where is one place you'd love to visit?

I've always wanted to go to the Red Forest in America, it's got giant trees and big reds. Mainly because Return of the Jedi was filmed there and I've always wanted to go!

What's your favourite food?

My favourite food, since i got married, my wife would probably say it's rice! Any type of rice, egg fried, ham fried, rice with sauces! But I do like my Fish and Chips and sausage!

What motivates you to work hard?

So what inspired me most, is my family and to do well for my family, because if I do well at work, then I do well for my family! Also because of the weekend as in my last job, I didn't get weekends off, so it's very important I have more time to spend with my family on the weekends!

What is your biggest fear?

My biggest fear would have to be snakes!
