
Blue Monday

Rebecca Ali

Let's talk Blue Monday - What is it?

Well, according to psychologist Cliff Arnall (known for his creation of the January Blues formula), Blue Monday is the most depressing day of the year, when we’re feeling are lowest and most sad – hence the name ‘Blue Monday’. 

We’re thought to be the most susceptible to being down in January because; the weather’s cold, we’re back in work, there’s this added pressure of setting and keeping new year’s resolutions, etc. But is it really all doom & gloom? 

Top Tips to turn your blue days Yellow☀️.

Taking time to take care of your mental wellbeing is important, especially in a world that’s always on the go. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to switch off, the world won’t end if you decide to escape it for a few hours. So, in the spirit of Blue Monday, we thought we’d share some of our top tips on how to keep your mental wellbeing in check and help turn your blue days yellow.

  1. Remember, a bad 5 minutes doesn’t mean it’s a bad day. Just like one bad day doesn’t mean it’s a bad life.
  2. Do something you love – cook your favourite meal, go to the gym, read a book, listen to your favourite music artist or podcast, re-watch your favourite film, TV show or YouTube channel. The list is endless!
  3. Do some self-care – whether it’s doing a face mask, meditation, writing in a journal. Whatever self-care looks like to you, make sure you’re making time for it.
  4. Socialise – phone a friend, go for a coffee, etc. Speaking to friends and family is a great way to air out your feelings and remember, a problem shared is a problem halved.
  5. Go on a walk – it’ll help clear your mind.

We know these tips might not be for everyone but, they might be for someone and helping 1 person have a better day is good enough for us.
