
Where can I buy a PlayStation 5? (June 2021)

Charlotte Hitchman

Where can I buy a PlayStation 5? (June 2021)

I want a PlayStation 5!

I know, we all do! They have been impossible to come by since they were released in November last year. Good news for all you trying to get your claws on one though, June is looking like a great month for a restock. Music to my ears after the last year of chaos that we've all had! It all boils down to the fact Sony didn't order enough microchips for April which has left us with a rather dry spell since then.

Where to buy PS5 UK - The Latest Update

Game has a few PS5 bundles for preorder which seem to be a bit easier to get hold of as it deters those just trying to grab and sell on for stupidly inflated prices. Check out their bundles on offer HERE.


Amazon released a huge PS5 restock yesterday but they have already sold out - boo! But, there is talk of a restock some time today - Friday 4th June 2021 - but there's been no leak of what time that may be. Refresh, refresh, refresh seems to be the idea so keep your fingers crossed.


Smyths Toys is also said to drop their stock sometime between the 3rd and 5th of June, but they tend to drop their stock on a Friday, so today might be a good shout for them too!


Order PlayStation 5 UK

Other stockist rumoured to be dropping PS5s soon: 

  • John Lewis are said to be releasing a small batch on Tuesday 8th June 2021
  • Argos are rumoured to be restocking between 8th and 16th June 2021, but there seems to be conflicting information as some sources are saying they will be restocking between the 21st and 24th June so who knows! Oh and one to note with Argos, they like to restock between 1 and 4 in the morning, so definitely one for the early birds
  • Very are said to be dropping PS5s between the 16th and 23rd of June between 8am and 11am - so less of an early start for your chance to grab the console!

How can I be notified of PS5 restocks?

There are loads of Twitter accounts to follow - make sure you have notifications turned on for these accounts. You have to be quick! Here are some of our recommendations: 




Good Luck and Happy Gaming!
