
Around the world in 10 Christmases!


Around the world in 10 Christmases!

Fröhliche Weihnachten! Buon Natale! Joyeux Noël! Or as we know it best, Merry Christmas!

You might not know but here at DCTUK we’re kind of magic ourselves. So, you know how Santa can fly around the whole world to deliver presents in one night? Well we can provide 2-5 working day express deliveries to 10 countries across Europe. The only catch is, you must leave a glass of milk and a mince pie on the doorstep!

I remember watching an interview with Kylie Minogue and she described how Christmas day in Australia is smoking hot weather, tons of sun and barbecued shrimp. Like what?! Imagine that! Let’s take a quick look at what Christmas looks like in the 10 European countries we express deliver too…

1. Spain

Merry Christmas: Feliz Navidad

Most people in Spain go to 'La Misa Del Gallo' or what we call Midnight Mass! La Misa Del Gallo means the Mass of the Rooster as a rooster was supposed to have crowed the night Jesus was born. Spanish people tend to have their main Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve before Mass and their traditional meal comprises of turkey stuffed with truffles or a young roasted hen, yum.

2. France

Merry Christmas: Joyeux Noël

In France a yule log made of Cherry Wood is carried into the home on Christmas Eve, sprinkled with red wine and often left to burn all night with food and drink placed outside in case Mary and the baby Jesus come past during the night. Strasbourg, in North Eastern France, also holds one of Europe’s largest Christmas markets! Ooooo, imagine all the yummy, French sweet treats that are available there.

3. Belgium

Merry Christmas: Vrolijk Kerstfeest

Children in Belgium believe that ‘Sinterklaas’ will bring them presents on St. Nicholas’ Eve and St. Nicholas’ Day (December 5th and 6th). Sinterklaas has a book with the names of all the children which tells him if they’ve been good or bad; and if they’ve been bad Zwarte Piet (Sinterklaas’ assistant) will put you in his sack and take you back to Spain! Not completely sure why Spain guys but I’ve got 7 more countries to get through so I’m skimming over the minor details…

4. Italy

Merry Christmas: Buon Natale

In Italy one of the most popular ways to celebrate Christmas is through the Nativity scene. A lot of families have a Nativity crib in their home, the city of Naples is actually world famous for it’s crib making. Cribs are traditionally put out on December 8th however the baby Jesus figure isn’t laid in the crib until the night of December 24th.

5. The Netherlands

Merry Christmas: Zalig Kerstfeest

In The Netherlands, Christmas day is celebrated but it’s quite a quiet day compared to December 5th and 6th when Sinterklaas brings them gifts. Dutch tradition says Sinterklaas actually lives in Madrid and each year he arrives in Holland at a different harbour to allow as many children as possible to see him. Gosh, I always thought Santa lived in chilly climates, not sunning it up in sunny Spain!

6. Germany

Merry Christmas: Fröhliche Weihnachten

Germany are well known for there Christmas markets. So can I just take a moment to say thank you to Germany, I just love the Christmas markets! However, I’m guessing the ones in England aren’t as anywhere near as good *sulks*. A big part of German Christmas celebrations is Advent. As well, as the traditional one made out of card they also have Advent candles and Advent wreathes.

7. Czechia

Merry Christmas: Veselé Vánoce

Like a few of the other countries, in Czechia they celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day on December 6th where they wait for Sinterklaas to come with an angel and a devil and ask them if they’ve been good or bad; they also sing him a song. On Christmas Eve ‘Little Jesus’ brings them presents and leaves them under the Christmas tree while they are having their dinner. The children will hear a bell ring which means Little Jesus has been and they can finish their dinner and open their presents!

8. Poland

Merry Christmas: Wesolych Swiat

In Poland, Advent is very important and marks the beginning of Christmas. During this time, people try to remember the real reason for Christmas so try not to over indulge; they sometimes give up their favourite food and drinks like we do at lent. Advent is also a time to clean vigorously, because it can’t be messy on Christmas day!

9. Luxembourg

Merry Christmas: Schéi Krëschtdeeg

In Luxembourg, the Christmas celebrations are quite like Czechia! They believe St. Nicholas’ brings them gifts on December 6th and that d'Chrëschtkëndchen (Gosh, where do you even start with that) also known as ‘Infant Jesus’ brings them gifts on Christmas Eve.

10. Bulgaria

Merry Christmas: Vesela Koleda

In Bulgaria Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, yay finally a country like us! A tale in Bulgaria is that Mary went into labour on December 20th and Jesus was born on December 24th but it wasn’t actually announced until the following day. The 20th is the date of the traditional New Year in Bulgarian culture.
