
Bounce back and invest in your office environment

Annabelle Harris

Bounce back and invest in your office environment

Bounce Back Loans, what are they?

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) is the governments new attempt at lending a helping hand to small-medium sized businesses. Bounce Back Loans are aimed to provide financial support to businesses across the UK that are seeing their cash flow disrupted as a direct result of COVID-19.

They're dishing out the dosh anywhere between £2,500 and up to 25% of your company's turnover (to a maximum of £50,000).* It's important to bear in mind that once you've chosen your select amount, there is no going back. So think carefully now, this is not a student loan, you will actually have to pay the full balance back on this one.

The UK government guarantees 100% of the loan and no interests to pay for the first 12 months. After 12 months, you gotta pay up. Joking. The length of the loan is 6 years (phew) and after 12 months the interest is set at 2.5% - wayyy lower than interest of normal commercial loans or credit cards. PLUS, there are no fees for early repayments!

How do I get a Bounce Back Loan?

There are 11 banks participating in this scheme, most probably yours will be one of them. You should approach your bank who will ask you to fill out a short online application form and the cash should be with you within a few working days after your loan is approved.


So if you're based in the UK, established before March 1st 2020 and have been adversely impacted by COVID-19, you are good to go. Although I would double check your eligibility over on the official government page, we are a flooring company after all.

So why are we DCTUK talking about Bounce Back Loans?

Exactly, we are a flooring company so you're probably thinking 'why the h*ck are we banging on about these loans?'. Well, a fair point you have there.

Whilst we understand that these are extremely difficult and unprecedented times for small businesses, these Bounce Back Loans provide the perfect opportunity to invest in your business and give it that TLC it's been craving. You want to keep it affordable however, we get it and luckily for you we are proud to call ourselves the home of affordable design. Our promise to you is high quality luxurious products at a budget friendly price, you don't need to blow the whole loan on flooring just to achieve something great.


Invest in your office space

Back in the golden olden days of 2019, we spent the majority of our lives at work actually in the office (if you can remember that far back). Companies have recently started to think about how they can create a comfortable and inviting work environment to convince staff back to the office once Boris hits play on life again.

With so many budget friendly flooring options available at DCTUK, you can create your ideal working space at the simple click of a button. Our in-house brand Nouveau is here to lend a helping hand as it keeps those uncooperative budgets in mind. Nouveau takes its inspiration from higher end brands, offering you great alternatives for just a faction of the cost.

You don't need to splash out on a project manager for your flooring, DCTUK will do it all for you. From recommending products to creating a free unique design plan for your space, delivering the product and we'll even fit it whilst we're there too!


We are currently offering a whooping 15% off our nationwide fitting service.

We might be finding it difficult under the current circumstances being separated from our colleagues and business partners but there is no time like the present to transform your interior flooring. Call us on 0345 222 1544 to discuss all things fitting or simply visit our fitting page to find out more. 

In light of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic we have put into place extra precautions to ensure our fitters are protected and so are you. You can find out more here. 

*If you wish to borrow over the 50k maximum, you can use the governments CBIL - the larger broker to the BBIL. From £50k to £5m, DCTUK's finance team can help source these loans for our customers, and are for larger positions and will take approximately 2-4 weeks to fund. Contact our team on 0345 222 1544 for help with this.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I start repaying for the loan?

The government covers interest payments for the first 12 months, you won't make a monthly payment until month 13. Your monthly repayments will then be made up of capital and interest payable.

How much will I pay for this loan?

For the first year the government covers the interest and fees on your behalf. After one year a fixed interest rate of 2.5% is set and a monthly repayment charge will be shown in your loan agreement from your bank.

When I start making repayments will the amount be the same every month?

No. The capital repayment amount will remain the same every month but the interest amount will reduce as your outstanding balance decreases.

How much will it cost to repay the loan back early?

Zilch! You can pay back your loan back at any time with no early repayment fees.

How long will it take for me to receive the money?

In most cases the money should be deposited into your account within a few working days after approval, waiting times do vary depending on your bank. However, due to a high demand for the scheme, banks are prioritising customers who need urgent access to borrowing to keep their businesses going.

What if I already have a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan (CBILS)?

You can only apply for a Bounce Back Loan once per business or per group of businesses - a group cannot have both a Bounce Back Loan and CBILS at the same time. You cannot apply if you're already claiming under: Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) or COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility. However, if you have already received a loan of up to £50,000 under one of these schemes you can transfer it into the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, contact your bank to arrange this.

What is the difference between the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) and the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS)?

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme is aimed at businesses with simple borrowing needs who are in need of the loan faster. BBLS lets you borrow between £2,000 and £50,000 whilst CBILS offers between £50,001 and £5m.

How long will the Bounce Back Loan Scheme run for?

The scheme will initially be available for 6 months from the 4th May 2020 until the 4th November 2020. These dates are subject to the Government extending the deadline.

Will I have to provide a personal guarantee or my home as security?

No you do not have to put up any security.

Will I be liable for any debt?

Yes, whilst the government provides 100% guarantee to the bank, customers are still liable for the debt.
