
Learn French with us!

Georgia Urmson

Learn French with us!

Yes you heard that right - let's learn a language!

So here at DCTUK, you may or may not know that we have such a diverse group of employees who are very talented and speak different languages! So, we thought why not take this opportunity to create an enthralling series with our esteemed team whilst also educating the public! You will be able to see first hand how each employee speaks whilst also learning some useful phrases. 

First up our Belgian warrior Nour!

We're kicking the series off with our Belgian Warrior Nour, who speaks French! Now, I don't know about you, but years worth of French classes in high school, didn't do much, so Nour gives me a quick top up lesson. Safe to say I was not that great. 

1. Hello, how are you?

Bonjour, comment vas-tu?

2. Where is the bathroom?

Où se trouvent les toilettes?

3. How much is this Baguette?

Combien coûte cette baguette?

4. Can I order please?

Puis-je passer la commande s'il vous plaît?

5. Thank you, have a nice day!

Merci, passez une bonne journée!

Did you learn anything new?

Well if you would like to  hear how these phrases are said in a REAL french accent, then just watch our fun video below! Dont forget to subscribe to our channel so you can be the first to watch know about all the latest DCTUK videos and podcasts! 


