
Interior Design Trends for 2022

Rebecca Ali

Let's Step into Style for 2022😍

Style is subjective but, if you're thinking about a residential renovation this year and stuck on where to start - here's a list of interior design trends predicted for 2022. 

Before we talk about what's in, let's talk about what's out! Starting us off, all-white everything is a thing of the past. It's time to start adding extra demension to your rooms with a subtle pop of colour, no one wants the responsibilty of keeping those crystal white cushions clean - spice your space up with a splash of colour (we'll tell you all about the must have shades in this blog). 

No more minimalism! That's right, another trend that's on it's way out is minimalism. According Peti Lau, a designer at the New York Design Centre, in 2022 we'll see a more layerd, modernist, maximalist home design. Afterall, a home should be a reflection of the people living in it. 

Finally, say farewell to wall hangings. I think you either love them or you hate them. As interior designr Caitlin Wilson put it, 'they're like adult-sized mobiles' and since then I've not been able to get that image out of my head. If you're looking to add texture to your home, stay away from wall hangings and head towards an embroided pillow or rug. 

Now with that said, let's move onto what's in! 

Green is the new Neutral💚

According to Vogue, Architectural Digest & Home Building, green is the colour for 22. No matter the shade (though Sage green is a personal favourite of mine) green is the way to go. The colour is believed to create the same mood boosting sensation we feel when spending time in nature. Now, I'm not saying you go all out and start painting your walls lime green (unless you want to) but, adding a green cushion here and there, a couple plants, some green tea towls, etc. is a great way to intorduce the colour into your home. 

Two other colours that've had honourable mentions are; brown - again the shade choice is up to you, and soft tones of blue.

No neutrals for 2022! 


Curved/Sculptural Furniture🤍

If you're an avid shopper/browser on Made.com, Olivias.uk, Etsy, etc. then you'll see an ongoing pattern/trend when it comes to furniture - it's curved. That's right, curved furniture is all the rage! This trend started back in 2021 and has carried on into 2022. Which, if I'm honest, I'm not mad at. According to Vogue we subconsciously read curved/sculpted furniture as safe, friendly and welcoming. It's also great at giving an element of glamour and luxury to your home. You don't have to go all out with circular sofa's, beds, etc., a simple round/sculped coffee table, vases, mirrors etc. will have the same effect. 


Textiles and Textures🥰

The third and final trend I'm going to talk about is, textiles and textures. 2022 is all about adding depth to your home, and a perfect way to do that is through textures. Adding things like rugs, throws/blankets, curtains, etc. to your home helps elevate it and bring some life into the space. Remember, decorating is fun and it's about expressing yourself - much like fashion. Don't be afraid to add extra textiles to your home. 

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to decorate your home. Afterall, your home is supposed to reflect you. 
